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Abaana Finances

We strongly believe it is our responsibility to be good stewards of everything we receive and so spend money wisely. We welcome the opportunity to have external audit each year and publish the year end accounts for the last three years.

Where does your money go?

In 2023, Abaana transformed the lives of children in Uganda by

  • COnstruction of a new three classroom nursery block.
  • Through New Life Homes, providing the opportunity for 28 street children to enter education within a supportive and caring environment
  • Construction of latrines and accommodation block
  • Supporting our northern schools to plant, harvest and mill food crops for local consumption
  • Training and preparation for the visit of our Ugandan New Life Choir in early 2024
  • Largest ever Christmas Gift Appeal total (£50,000)

How we spend your money

  • Charitable Activities - £1,077,716
  • Fundraising - £96,683

Here's how you can help: